Welcome to Bremmyn- Glossary of Bremmynian Cultural Terminology
So, my novel- The Bremmyntown Rebellion- is what we call a non-magical fantasy…but what does that mean?
Well, fantasy is a fictional genre that is defined through it’s use of adventure and magic in a setting that is not in our real world- often inspired by real life historical societies. Common themes of fantasy involve allegory, race relations, grand adventure, socio-political upheaval, war, and the ever-common tropes of “the chosen one” and “the fish out of water.”
So, in the Bremmyntown Rebellion, I wanted to explore all of these themes- many of which I was seeing in my day-to-day life in the late 2010’s- without adding another layer of separation for my audience of fantastical races or a new magic system. So, the decidedly non-magical city state of Bremmyn was born.
That being said, Bremmyn is not a place that can be found in our world; it never has been nor ever will be geographically related to our world/the Western World/the planet Earth (this isn’t the Hunger Games, y’all)- and, therefore, there are some different ways that Bremmynians have of relating to and describing their world.
So, for all who are reading The Bremmyntown Rebellion and are seeking some clarity- or who just stumbled here to find out what a zaberfeyd truly is- I give you the extensive and updated Glossary of Bremmynian Cultural Terminology
Ballenspyk - mace weapon
Bitterseltzer - soda - a drink made from bitters, seltzer, tea, and herbal sugar syrup. Sold as a cheap drink.
Bowl-uh Cap - bowler hat without a brim - young fashion accessory
Bozer - n-slur - meaning both melanated and suspiscious
Coatandfriller - bootlegger - so named for the cleaning supplies used for lace products being converted into cheap alcohol
Drausser - "having Musician blood" - a slur deriving from the Absolvent concept that states that Musicians are outside the influence of Goddess. Comes with the insinuation of feminine traits.
Dreik - quad - the triangle of building's façades which create green space
Fearfree - speakeasy - originated before Bremmyn’s age of Musik and Light (the current age) when the last king of Bremmyn instilled morality laws
Fester - cop
Fieldbowl - baseball
Flip the cock - flip the bird
Gutterer - common performance artist that puts on acts, commonly, on The Stairs between downton and UPtown, or on The Line
Heixen - Thief philosophers and spiritual leaders
Hinterin - hick
The Lampoesa - term for junk journalists and celebrity stalkers. Term comes from the combination of “lamp” for camera flash and “poesayta” for moth.
Knightstick - retractable billy-club
Kunstra - street art/graffiti
Lerrir - rabbi - a teacher and student of the holy texts of Allbrahm
Molly-twat - bitch - deriving from the name for a female cat
Mud-brick House - brownstone - an ancient architectural style that UPton Thieves uphold with pride
Musichehall - a performance venue for Musicians to entertain clientele and earn money from non-product-based artistry
Newies - hippies - citizens who hosted holy orgies, based off of northern understanding of Allbrahmic teachings, during the rein of the King Viktor
Noyricht - bar/bat mitzvah - coming of age ceremony in the Allbrahmin faith
Pairnter - grafitti artist and (if trained) riflemen
Plowed - fucked - a colloquialism that referenced a time in Bremmynian history when one of the Thief tribes would utilize enemy body parts to fertilize their fields.
Pommittes - french fries
Postmonarchals - a name given to anyone who was younger than 13-years-old when the King was assassinated.
Propo - propoganda
Schneidhop - hopscotch/hop-and-cut
Secondary - secondary education/college
Smart-viccy - smart-alecy
Stimmer box - accordion
Sturdich - bulldyke - from the belief that bulls are the pique of masculine, and women are just ditches for plowing
Suzyrock - crack-cocaine - crystalized morphine drug that turns you into a bipolar tweaker or comatose zombie - introduced to downtown neighborhoods by King Viktor I to discredit Dali’s grandmother as an unfit ruler (wanted to take over downtown but died before he could and was taken over by Queen Gerta, who introduced anti-drug policy that effectively criminalized the addicts her father had created)
Thatch-and-plast homes - cheap tenement-style homes
Tragwas Robe - kimono - traditional ceremonial dressing robe of Musicians
Victualing - catering
Wassein - vodka (little water)
Wildpath - Broadway
Zaberfeyd - a concealed sword that can be activated to spring out. It is a sacred weapon to Musicians, and no one else is permitted to yield one
Zein - daily periodicals